Tuesday, June 26, 2018

2018 - Week 2 - Class 1 - Homework

1) Continue your character studies – consider style from realistic to simplified - where does your preference lie?

2) Create a line-up (rotated view) in b/w of one of your main characters

3) Continue work on your storyboard

4) LOOKY BOOKS: Pinpoint light direction on existing titles – find the most unusual light source you can (1 good example is fine)

5) Read Nodelman, Chapter 9: The Rhythms of Picture-Book Narrative

6) Reminder: The book title or illustrator you want to use for your final presentation will be due next Thursday

7) Continue working on break-up of text

Thursday, June 21, 2018

2018 - Week 1 - Class 2 - Homework

1. Choose 1 title that speaks to you on a character level, 1 title that use page turns to strong advantage, and 1 title that speak to you on a composition level, to share in next class. Concentrate on layout and size of book as well. 

2. Create three storyboard sketches from the manuscript you’ve chosen to work with

3. Create 5 sequential illustrations collated on one page in a graphic novel-like layout, telling a simple wordless story with the theme: “I DID IT!”

4. Read Chapter 6 – Perry Nodelman “The Depiction of Action and the Passing of Time”

5. Read the articles I gave you

6. Reminder: The book title or illustrator you want to use for your final presentation will be due next Thursday

7. Continue working on break-up of text

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

2018 - Week 1 - Class 1 - Homework

I hope you enjoyed your intro to Picture Book Design today! Here is your homework for Thursday:

1) Draw the golden spiral/rectangle on some tracing paper. (I'll want to see this.) Browse some picture books placing your golden spiral/rectangle on top to see how it fits and if it works with the artwork you've chosen. Become aware of the golden spiral/rectangle in existing compositions.

2) Create 3 value studies of existing book covers - about 3"x5" each. Be sure to bring the books with you to the next class!

3) Read Perry Nodelman's Words About Pictures -
     Chapter 2: Format, design, visual features
     Chapter 5: Visual weight and directed tension: The relationship of visual elements to each other.

4) Bring in a book for LOOK AT BOOKS (can be one you are using for your cover study): How are the elements of design leading your eye around the page? How does the artist's choice of format, size, framing or full-bleed illustrations give the viewer different experiences?

5) Start collecting shoe boxes or small cardboard containers that can be destroyed. (They can go under the art supplies table.)

6) I’ll ask for your chosen story at the beginning of class. You will have until the end of class to change your mind.

7) Choose your illustrator or book to feature in your end-of-semester presentation (which will be about 20 minutes).

Monday, June 18, 2018

2018 Class Welcome

Welcome to Picture Book Design - 578 and 578s! Your homework assignments will be posted here each day and the videos and resources we discuss can also be accessed here. Think of this as our online hub.